Friday, October 16, 2009

Wake up Sid!!

If you are thinking this piece of writing has got anything to do with the movie, then STOP right away. It was just a trick to catch your attention... Am not yet that smart to write a movie review (though I know your expectations about my potential are high ;) read on and am sure you are going to be disappointed)..

Now if as per the title if it’s not about the movie then what is it about..? Haha guess what? Unfortunately this time its about me (:P since am out of news for long now, thought may be this is some way to get back ;)). Anyways I am sure by now you’ve decided to close this page. But wait a min!! What harm if u go on reading a little more since you’ve already tolerated me for so long. So better stay tuned for a little more (I guess, now tats some marketing ;))

Now coming to the point. It’s been more than 2 months, since I am having the pleasure of dictating the terms of my own life. No pressure, no deadlines, no office (I know the first 2 take care of this.. Still.. Having to go to office itself is such a task!), to sum it up.. No control or discipline or monitoring of any kind.

One hardly gets such kind of an opportunity. I have never been so free and useless in over 2 decades of my life (as a kid I used to be controlled by my parents for everything I did, at least now that’s not applicable as much).

So what does one do when he has nothing to do??? No plans, no where to go, no commitments, and most importantly no immediate expectations!! You'd probably say.. I'd go for a vacation and have fun, refresh and all that... But I like always chose to differ (just for the sake of it to say so ;))

I preferred staying back at home.. Doing nothing.. Obviously if u wake up at the time when others are having lunch.. What do u think u can probably do??? Yea I know you'd suggest me to go and have lunch! Haha smart u r, tats exactly what I do ;) (Now don't start assuming I do that straight out of bed, I obviously do the basic things one does every morning). Now you must be thinking, woke up.. Lunch done.. What next??

Did I a few weeks back say I never spend time watching the idiot box?? Hah just for a change I‘ve started wasting/investing time watching the idiot box.. Sigh..!

Then what?? Since eyes are tired after having watched living Dracula’s on the stupid box (why call it idiot always??) its time for a quick nap! (Does 2hrs also mean quick?? ;), to me it does!)

Now since u know almost everything about my usual day... Let me tell you one incident that triggered this post... One not so fine evening (about 6pm) my phone rang. Dreaming big time, during a usual quick nap. I thought it was a Saturday, then realized no it’s not cos I went for a movie on Saturday. So I concluded it was a Sunday. But then got reminded that on Sunday I wasn't at home at all!! So how can I be having a nap?? Now with no other option left, had to assure myself that it was a freaking Monday!

Getting back to the ringing phone, I took the call. It was from an authoritative person and I picked it after it rang for long, that too after so much confusion about what the day was (and why & how was I so free that I was having a nap?!). I ended up saying 'Good Morning Sir'!! The dumbest thing I ever done in my life!! Though the authoritative person was dumb enough to care or pay attention to what I said. I felt freaked out! And thought its time to 'Wake up Kid', enough of the laziness. Also recollected that I was doing things I hated most when I used to be occupied.. Including watching the idiot box and taking a stupid afternoon nap! Cos am some one who believes, afternoon nap is an indication that either you have gotten old or you are a housewife or a kid. And since I got my senses back, I thought I’d post this thing here!! And hence it’s titled Wake up Kid!!

Today’s Favorite Line – Being frank is always better than being falsely sweet.

Today’s Favorite Song – Hey there Delilah (Plain white T’s)

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