Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Habits?? Not me!!

When’s the last time you heard/said something like this…

-         Hey it’s Friday, time to booze. Let’s go!!

-         Its 3(pm), why hasn’t the tea come yet? My head will tear apart, I can’t work!
-         I need to fag. Too much tension today!!

-         Let’s have pan/gutka before going back to office.

-         Wake up, its 8!!!!! I always wake up at 6 sharp!! You are a lazy/good for nothing

-         Its 2(pm)! U haven’t had lunch yet?? I always do lunch at 1

The list can go on, but the point I am trying to make is, there are small small things we do in our day to day life and we, over time become so adamant over them, that we forget why we actually did it the first time or over a period of time.

Let me answer (back answer) each of the above statements the way I see it. Though I wouldn’t be able to say the same to someone on face, cos am not expected to be rude, but here I have the freedom to do what I like, so I better take advantage ;)

-         Why be so fizzy about a Friday night?? U have the whole weekend just in case u need to booze. U sound like, it’s the last Friday in ur life when u say u wanna booze cos its Friday! Life is yet to go.. Things are yet to happen! Booze as and when you want to, no ones stopping you!! And just to remind u there are 6 other days in a week apart from THE Friday!
-         Oh you mean if u don’t get the usual cup of tea at 3, ur brain stops working? Get a life! If u want a break ask for it… don’t blame the poor brain.. its anyways hardly used.. why waste a cup of milk and that black color thing into your body? Just go have a break!!

-         Go burn the buck in ur wallet if u want to. Why create imaginary tensions just cos u wanna burn some freaking thing and make some circles in the air? Anyways the tension u r talking about is not present now.. Will come soon, if things remain this way!

-         How will that betel powder help the delicious meal tat u just had? Or how much better will u be at work if u have that green leaf? Ur tongue deserves better things and do u still remember the last visit to the dentist? Guess ur planning another visit soon!

-         Now who is to blame if u aren’t sleepy past 6?? At least let me catch up a few more dreams! Anyways nothing great is happening in real life.. let me be happy in the dream world at least. Anyways will have to wake up once the happy dream gets worse…

-         In which book of history is it mentioned tat lunch should be done by 1pm? I guess we eat cos we are hungry and not cos something was cooked in the morning and is gonna be thrown out if I don’t eat by 1. So ill eat when am feeling like. What’s the hurry anyways?

Though the above back answers seem to be rude and stupid.. The point I am trying to make is, in life when we like to do the things the way we like to, then why condition our brain in certain ways? Why cant we be open minded always and do things the way we like at that very moment? Why fix things like ‘I booze only on Friday’s’, ‘I drink tea 3 times a day’, ‘I have 3 meals a day’, ‘I leave for office sharp at 8.37’. Why cant one booze on a Monday at times? Why cant one have tea as per the mood on a particular day? Why 3 meals a day? Cant I eat 4 times someday? Or 2 times when I don’t feel like? And why do we give this crap that I leave for office at X hour and Y min, why cant I leave for office as and when am ready and feeling like with some deviation now and then.

It’s good to be disciplined, I don’t deny that. But the point is, we condition our brain so much that we forget the basic motivation behind doing something. Life is not too long to be so adamant and rigid, lets be a little flexible. Let’s wake up at 6 some day, at 6.45 some day and if there’s not much to do at 8 that day. I think we kill creativity by being so inflexible, we kill our own likings and priorities in life due to our stiff attitude.

More over if one is used/ addicted to something; it brings a lot of disadvantages with it. For instance if someone has the habit of having tea 3 times a day, though its just a matter of 5 rupees per cup/time, it means one ends up spending 450 bucks for sure on tea in a month (tea is just an example, u can substitute anything else and calculate accordingly) which means 5400 bucks on tea in a year. Just for instance if I say, what if at times u have tea only 2 times a day or even once when ever u don’t really think u need it? What if u have coffee instead of tea sometime? And how about a pack of biscuit at times with the tea/coffee? Think how every other day would be different! U get saved of that boring cup of tea which even the person who makes it, makes it half hearted! U don’t even know if he/she made it long back and served u now.. Knowing for sure that ur anyways going to have it!

I think when we start thinking this way, we may end up saving a lot of money if we don’t get used to certain things in life. Plus we also get to have variety in life and anyways no ones really bothered if u r perfect or not in having tea at 3! I guess things in life should be done out of genuine need or wish and not because someone else does it this way

While thinking about all this, I just got a counter argument from some corner of my brain. Is it good to be moody? What about discipline? What about planning? Can being an instant person lead to disappointment in certain things?

All said and done, I feel it’s worth giving ones brain a chance, to think and do even small things in day to day life. It’s at least better than blindly doing something without even knowing why! As far as we can do things as required without much deviation and without getting addicted to anything I guess its fair enough to let the brain decide what’s to be done and what not every now and then.

P.S – I guess I lost track of something I wanted to convey somewhere in between, anyways the main point am trying to make is, lets keep our life Addiction free!! Be it consuming habits or for that matter even people or money… Live life every moment…!!

Today’s Favorite Line – Sometimes u feel like giving a damn!! But when u feel tat way, tats not deserved!! Even tats too much to give!

Today’s Favorite Song – He could be the one (Miley Cyrus)

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