Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize 2009 – Mr. O_AMA, why not?!

With the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to the Prez of the US of A, the world seems to have changed to one, where one gets rewarded based on promises and manifests rather than performance.

Since when have we started trusting people just based on their words? Even corporate houses pay huge bonuses based on performance to their employees. Nobel Peace Prize being one of the top honors in the world, bequeathed by the Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel. Such an honorable award being given just based on hope & expectations and not based on past work, and it now being justified by the recipient as ‘call for action’ is all really surprising.

Anyways you would have read a lot in the media about how surprising and blah blah this is. I have a different view on the total thing. Though even my view is of a critic but with a little out of the box thinking! Let me get to the point straight!!

How about giving the Nobel Peace Prize to Mr.Osama (yes u read it right ‘oSama’). Since Mr.oBama has been awarded the same based only on hope and as a call for action.

Can’t we start expecting that Mr.oSama and his troops would stop terrorism and will promote peace instead? Can’t this work even for Mr.oSama as a call for action to stop terrorism and start making efforts towards making this world a better place to live in?

May be such an award can work as some kind of a motivation for him and his camp as well. After all it is THE ‘Nobel Peace Prize’! Honor me with the same and I shall work all my life to make this world a better place to live in.

May be, just may be, it rings a bell in Mr.oSama’s head and he starts working towards peace rather than Jehad and all that. He must be having links with other top terrorists of the world and he can also help in dealing with them to promote peace. Anyways all this cant be expected out of Mr.oBama, cos he wont be having contacts and good terms with all such anti social elements. So I feel such an award for ‘call for action’ should be conferred on someone who really has the resources and capability to act.

I would rather have voted for Mr.oSama if the award had to be conferred on someone based on expectations and call for action (per se)! I guess he would act and act faster than Mr.oBama could! Remember, he has a lot to take care with respect to the US economy and the Wall Street turmoil, including giving jobs to all, health care, and so on. Where is the time to promote peace??

Today’s Favorite Line – If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion

Today’s Favorite Song – Iktara (Wake up Sid)

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