Thursday, May 14, 2009

Why Majority? Why not just form a Government??

Is it necessary to form a government only with a majority or coalition of parties? Just for the sake of a thought is it not rational to have a government formed with the elected MP’s and not with a particular party. If you are wondering what am blabbering just read on and you’ll know.

Let me just give an argument of why this thought came to my mind. Yesterday was the final phase of the polls and I got the opportunity to vote second time for Lok Sabha Polls and I voted for the same person I did during 2004 polls. I voted for that person since I know he is well educated, has performed well during his tenure as a minister and brought a lot of development and investment to my city (& the country). I am indifferent to his party or to the government he is a part of at the centre, I don’t believe in their ideologies and am not sure if that is the best party to rule the country. But I am confident that this particular individual is the right material for an MP and for the growth of the country and my constituency. More over he has no criminal charges, can communicate really well, as mentioned earlier is educated enough and so on. So I had no second thoughts while pressing the green button on the EVM yesterday. Though most in my family differed with me, they voted for some other candidate (just cos he was from the opposition). I heard the name of the other 36 candidates for the first time in my life, how could I vote for someone whom I don’t even know just based on his background (political party he belongs to). In my view one should know enough about the candidate they vote for and take an informed decision (I spent an hour’s time reading about this person last week). Though I dint argue with my family members but I just knew why they dint vote for the person I did, they felt not much development took place in the last 5 years, prices rose blah blah (which I don’t agree to completely) and so they thought it was time for a change, but I still kept wondering – change doesn’t mean voting for someone whom you haven’t ever heard about in the past just based on his affiliation to some political party.

So this is how the thought of a government to be formed just with the elected MP’s and their affiliation to any political party to not matter came. The idea is quite simple, though am not sure about its feasibility. There would be 543 elected MP’s representing various political parties (or independents), these elected MP’s will form a government irrespective of their background. Those who are interested to take up certain ministerial roles will have to show their interest for the same and a voting amongst the members would happen inside the parliament for each of the post. For instance for the post of the Prime Minister if 20 of them are interested they will have to register their name for the same and they will have to address the house about their plans if they become one and why should they be made the same, so this way for each important post such voting process would take place and these elected MP’s would decide the fate of who becomes what based on their expectations from someone or just based on favor (cos that person may be from his own party). So this way we have higher chance of getting the right people at the right place and then this newly formed multi party representing candidates would discuss the issues of national interest and do the best as this particular decision would not be biased based on some particular parties ideologies and it would be of the people who elected the person they thought would serve the country the right way.

Now the question would be, then what does a political party have to do at all if these elected MP’s act as individuals? The answer to this is, the political parties still play a huge role, in fact unlike now under this system all the parties will be active always and there will be no opposition, all parties can have a say if someone from their party is an elected MP. If this kind of an arrangement is possible, I think democracy will be at its best and policies though may take time to be implemented but we can be highly assured that it would be of common interest and not prejudiced to a particular party’s views or benefit. The individual MP’s shall bring the view of their party while discussing important national issues and this way the ideas that are supported by the majority will get implemented and bills will be passed as usual like now.

Does this seem feasible? Practical? My only motivation behind this idea is the fact that if I vote for a person knowing his capability, he gets the right post in the parliament irrespective of the fact that his party has a majority or not!! He as an individual is what I look at and not his background. Why should we have an uneducated dumb minister just because the educated & mark free (criminal) one’s party wasn’t able to get majority to be able to form a government. I don’t think my idea is bad because this way we get the best and most eligible people at the right posts (at least the probability is higher). I guess everyone votes for the candidate and not for the party when I exclaim about such an idea!

P.S – Hope my idea is clear to you! Else do let me know… I’ll try to build further on this thought!! Do give your thoughts on the same too…