Thursday, May 29, 2008

I am a Rightist???? Am I

I do almost all the most important and auspicious things and acts of my life with my Right hand, I think most of the time with my right brain, I like to take Right decisions more than wrong ones, I always wonder am I using my fundamental Rights and other social and national Rights without any problem.

I am not writing this to talk about myself, but to talk about people in my left and right all over the country. People who say they are leftist, people who say they are rightist and people who don’t know who they are. For some time now since I have become a bit more mature, a bit more childish, a bit more stupid, I have been thinking about a lot of things and those lot of things always end up me thinking about the Indian Politics and Politicians, and the reason for this is, every situation has either arisen due to politics or has been influenced due to a politician. I will give you a few examples of how and why I end up thinking so.

Since I said I am a rightist let me start with instances about the leftist first.

Till date since I have grown up I haven’t understood the motto and the sense behind the ideologies of the leftist. They say they want equal opportunities, they say they want job guarantee, cheaper food and other products and services; they want everything to be under public/government corporations, they dislike any private corporation to do anything in the country and they have many other different versions of their demands and ideologies, I am not sure of any of their ideologies and basically because I haven’t understood their motto at all till date. I just know one thing; they almost always are the reason for cold in the central government (this is something all of us see and hear everyday).

- They say they are against privatization and they have 1000 reasons to justify their stand. But I think I am not looking at their stand, I am looking at common sense and I believe what I am thinking is acceptable to some extent keeping their ideologies apart. If they say privatization is ill, then let me ask them, who made it possible to make air travel as cheap as it is today, who made it possible to have telecommunication facilities all over the country, who made it possible for technology to be the in thing in the country, and many such endless areas to explain in detail.
- They say they are against foreign goods and people going abroad to work etc., but who is going to remind them that the state which they run the government for so many years now is one of the biggest consumer for Foreign Liquor, that state sees the most number of people leaving the country for job opportunities abroad including Saudi and Dubai. That state has the most literate but uneducated people (would love to explain the difference between literate and Educated some other time). And that state also leads the chart in many other social and economic injustices happening. Yes I am talking about Kerala.
- Don’t we know about Nandigram, it is again in a state where the leftist have been ruling for long time now and if I can remember well and if I am right and conscious, the initial problems in this place started only because of the state government not treating the farmers well i.e. not paying the farmers market price of the land.
- At one end they say cut taxes, reduce prices and so on and at the other end they want loan waivers, social spending and so on, so some one ask them where will the money for this come from. I don’t say they are completely wrong, but being rational and logical is more important that just being adamant and old fashioned.
- I still think that India needs a mindset change, a mindset for the global environment we are living in, a mindset for the challenges and competitions we are facing day in and day out in the international arena, a mind set to grow and involve everyone in the growth, a mindset to have a competitive world and most importantly a mindset to grow by oneself and not by being dependent on others or others help, support or resources (not even the government).

Now coming to the party which is running the Central Government of the country.

- I haven’t yet understood how any reservation can bring social justice and uplift people and castes, what I feel is it creates more divisions, more differences, more problems. Think about this with a rational mind set
- And we see every other day some new caste or religion or section of people hitting the road for their reservation, I believe it has become a pride to be called backward in our country. My appeal to such people and section of the country is to stop fighting to get reservation and be daring enough to stand on its own instead of depending on the government, which can just give promises and nothing more.
- I haven’t also understood how many loan waivers the government will be able to give to help the poor farmer come up in life. Can such short sighted, vote bank oriented, ill planned policy ever bring our farmers up in life, can they ever have a positive mark or change in their life or are is this just another way to please as in case of a child.

Now coming to an overall general overview of the system and of politics.

- I haven’t understood yet how can political attacking and clashes make any political party or politician feel that they are serving the country and its citizens. Will just pinpointing and accusing each other for their mistakes ever help the country actually develop.
- One government does something wrong, then the other government does some other thing wrong and then accuse each other for every other problem. Can this ever lead to something right for the country?
- I know power is very important for everyone in this world, but using the power in appropriate ways is more important than the power itself. So why don’t these political parties take an oath to do what is right for the country instead of doing what is right for their party and for the election.
Can the party in power and the opposition ever work together for the cause of the nation, does just being in power mean serving the people, and does working with the government to do social welfare not mean power. So why fight for power? If your intention is to serve the citizens of the country stop fighting for power and start fighting for good, and by the by if you want good, I don’t think you need to fight, you just need to do it.

I have never liked Indian Politics and Politicians, I can mention other hundred, thousand instances and thoughts but what’s the use if again tomorrow morning I have to read headlines of one party criticizing other and concentrating on what the other party did than what actually is the problem. God please help my country. I am just 21 and I am not able to see the kind of politics and politicians India has grown, I believe the British would have been far better, because at least their motto was clear to the people that they want to rule and not do any good, unlike Indian politicians who show one face before elections and another after elections and the 5 years they are in power end up identifying what they actually are elected for and making policies ready for winning the next election instead of using this opportunity for doing Good.

I am not for or against any particular institution or school of thought but what I just live for is Common Sense. I have very well understood so far in my life that the definition for common sense is quite different for every one, but I don’t think common sense is so complicated. I also know and agree that different people see things differently and have different ways to do the same things but I just don’t understand, is it that difficult in this world of God to have a common “Common Sense”.

If this would remain the situation of politics in the country, as I see in every forum today, god save me, I never would like to be a part of any political outfit, I am happy the way I am. I am happy with my thoughts and my Life, I neither have time for the rat race and nor energy for the bull fight going on in the country.

And yes I am not a leftist, so neither am I a rightist. I am who I am!!!!!!!

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