Saturday, April 5, 2008

In The Name of WATER - Unity in Diversity!!!!!! – Where

The water war between Karnataka and Tamilnadu never seems to end and no idea why this comes up only when the hot summer is around. If you could well remember last year during February the war of words and actions was on between the 2 states for the Kaveri River and had created a lot of ill feelings between the people of the states. This year rather it is for Hongenakkal. The politicians of Karnataka are blaming Karunanidhi and are claiming that Tamilnadu is wrong in its project. I do not understand that why is everything politicized in this country, I agree that politicians do it for some community or the other but can they not speak and sort out things. Why do they go to the extent of blaming each other, cursing each others culture and background, ill treating people of each others state, damaging transport amenities and disrupting peace and harmony in both the states and creating some kind of hatred and chaos in the country?
Are we true Indians who talk about unity in diversity and things like that, if that is the case where is our unity now. Where is our integrity now? I am sometimes surprised over such incidents and I feel really bad about them.
Last year when this problem between Tamilnadu and Karnataka was going on, I was traveling to Karnataka via Train for an interview, my family members were all worried for me. As any one coming from Tamilnadu was not being treated well at Karnataka, was the perception that was built through what ever news we came to know from the TV and newspapers. So it was a really sad thing. (But I did not face any problems.)
What I feel is, if there is a problem between two governments why do they disrupt the lives of common man, they can sort it out via what ever way they feel they will get the justice, but making people sensitive about it and motivating them to have rival feelings for the neighbor state is not good. Even if they want to fight against some thing wrong, I don’t think such kind of damaging property and disrupting normal life helps in any way. I am very upset today after reading the news and seeing the news channels which show grey pictures of the way people of both states are reacting to the situation and the way they are making things political instead of trying to work out a solution for the same.

My only request and prayer to the people of this country is to remember that integrity, unity in diversity and all these words are not just words for our country, they truly mean the spirit of the nation. So at least for the sake of the country’s principles stop all these political dramas and let peace prevail and let the public live fear free and continue their normal life normally. And about kaveri and Hongenakkal let the best for the people of the country happen instead of fighting as two separate states.

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