Sunday, August 16, 2009

A cop, a signal and a car!!!

Just after sunset he left home, riding at the speed of 60kmph on one of the busiest roads in the city on a Sunday, not expecting to see a cop on the signal on a Honda Activa. He still made sure he wore a helmet, had his ears filled with headphones and music full on.

He wanted to forget the world all along his ride and just listen to the lovely song by Akon “Beautiful”. To his surprise he saw a cop waving his hand exactly to him amidst many other passing vehicles, while he was moving his head and feet with the beats of the song when the lyrics went as “I wanna get with u…..”. He thought to himself for the 1 second he got to think and react tat why was the cop stopping him while he was wearing the helmet and also looked one of the age who could drive.

He just obliged to the gesture of the cop and slowed down not sure why but he dint want to flee cos he had all the documents just in case the cop wanted to make a quick buck. But to his surprise the cop with a tomato shaped belly and complexion so dark tat his face and his cop shirt looked to be in perfect contrast, he still looked like just another traffic cop in the city with a moustache tat was the only other sign apart from his belly and uniform tat he was a cop asking for a lift.

No the surprise was not the fact that the cop asked for a lift, that’s something usual, he had given lift to cops plenty a times. While he had his headphones plugged into his ears he hardly could hear the cop, and obviously he forgot that he had to take the headphones off to listen to the cop cos he was totally tuned to the lyrics of akon’s beautiful, but he still managed to understand that the cop wanted him to take a left immediately. To his fortune even he wanted to go left so he dint mind taking a left, but then the cop showed him a car, a dark red Honda Civic, the look of which would make anyone envious. And then the cop said “I want you to follow that car!!!”

He was amazed for a second, he dint know what to do. Though by this time he had managed to pull out the headphones from his ears so that he could listen carefully to whatever the cop had to say, he still dint know what to do, whether to speed up like Abhishek Bachchan does in Dhoom or to drive normally (under 40kmph as per the rules) as a cop was his pillion rider. Anyways he chose to do neither and stay in between speeding and normal driving.

He dint have to drive a lot, just a few hundred meters and there was a signal and fortunately for him the signal was red and the car that caught his eye from long distance stood right there at the signal. And even more fortunately for the cop there was no other vehicle adjacent to the car he wanted to catch hold of, so the cop asked him to stop just next to the car and got down without saying a word (not that he expected anything, still).

Now it was time for him to see some drama which usually one gets to see in a movie, as he stood waiting for the signal to turn green he kept looking back at the cop and the car.He saw 3 guys in the car, all of them looking about 18-20, tall thin guys who are out seeing the city around. No need to mention they looked rich dad’s kids, one of them sitting next to the one driving held a hi fi mobile in his hand wearing a grey round neck tshirt, the one sitting behind was moving his head to some music in the car with a stylish hairstyle copied from some bolly flick. The guy driving the car wore a dark striped shirt, his hair looked nicely gelled and the concern in his eye as soon as the cop knocked the window of the car confirmed the fact that it was his car and not of the other 2 in the car.

30 seconds still to go for the signal to turn green, other vehicles piled up around the car, everyone looking at the drama going around, no one even looking at the signal. The cop kept knocking at the window asking the guys to open the door. They kept looking at each other to figure out what to do, at once they dint understand what was going on, as the music in the car was loud enough for them to get their senses back in a moment. The guy sitting behind stopped jumping to the music, the cop tried to open the door himself but as expected it was centrally locked from the drivers’ seat.

The guy driving the car tried to turn quickly to look at signal just in case he had a chance to flee, his eyes told that he was looking just to find if that opportunity existed but unfortunately for him there were 2 other bikes in front of his sedan, so he decided to lower the mirror of the round neck tshirt friends end as that’s where the cop stood, but the cop just kept shouting, asking him to open the door as if he wanted to pull the guys out of the car. Looked like those guys either broke a law or the cop suspected something else, he thought it could be anything, may be they are underage, may be drunk, could be anything.

While these thoughts filled his eyes and all the other vehicle riders standing by had their eyes glued on that car. He kept looking back and forth from the car to the signal and vice versa, the signal turned green, 2 seconds passed and no other vehicle seemed to move or even bother that the signal turned green. But he chose to leave the spot as he wasn’t interested in the drama, he already was having a mixed feeling, cos he put those guys into trouble, though it was none of his business to bother about having put them in trouble, he still dint feel nice staying there anymore, so he just opted to move on.

He pulled the throttle of his bike and kept an eye on his rear view mirror, and figured that he was some 200 meters past the signal and not a single vehicle waiting at the signal moved from the spot. He thought he was the one who was a part of this drama, at least in getting the cop there and he himself missed all the action. But that’s how it is, he just wasn’t interested, he stopped by after another 100 meters or so and plugged the headphones back into his ears and now the song was “Let her cry” by Hootie & Blowfish.

He sunk his mind back to the song just thinking he helped the police, though it was just a lift he gave, which ideally he wouldn’t have given if it was any other common unknown man… and finally he forgot the incident wishing he stood there and found out why the cop wanted to stop that car and what happened and all that, but then he just thought if there was something really worth it, it’ll get published in tomorrows daily ;) and he can boast about the same to everyone he knew!!!!

P.S - Its yet another try to say things as a third person.. not sure if its up to some mark yet...

Today's Favorite Line - "And all I really want is some patience....."

Today's Favorite Song - Papa Kehte Hain (Qayamat se qayamat tak)

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